Due Diligence Investigations Internal financial management is a key driver and indicator to individual business performance. BLP Agribusiness Solutions can provide your business with access to our team of specialists with knowledge and backgrounds in Agriculture, Finance and Business Management. -
Property Purchases & Sales -
Machinery Upgrades -
Livestock Management Systems -
Mergers and Acquisitions -
Strategy Development -
Finance Applications & Negotiations Major business decisions must be made utilising the best available information. Before asking the bank if you can purchase a block next door – first you must ask yourself “is it the right move for the business/farm/family”? Preparation is paramount prior to engaging the financier to ensure the best possible funding outcome. Move forward with your eyes open. Ensure every dollar gets the best possible return. “The value that BLP brings to our company is their objectivity and their capacity to know the business inside and out. They help to take the emotion out of many big business decisions by identifying our strengths and weaknesses and putting a plan together that is well constructed and achievable. Brett and his team have a great understanding of agriculture and what is required to be successful as a farmer today. It has been invaluable to have someone with a great understanding of the complexity of modern day farming, constantly reviewing our business structures. This gives us the capacity to be able to focus on improving the way we do business and identifying opportunities into the future”. Alistair Murdoch, Carinya Ag Enterprises