Administrative Financial Management Internal financial management is a key driver and indicator to individual business performance. BLP Agribusiness Solutions can provide your business with access to our team of specialists with knowledge and backgrounds in Agriculture, Finance and Business Management. -
Cashflow Preparation -
Budget versus Actual Reporting -
Financial Analysis -
Book Keeping -
BAS Preparation and Lodgement Cashflow Budgeting is an important tool for your business – not just for the bank. BLP’s unique skill set and practical hands-on experience enables us to prepare, in conjunction with you, cashflow budgets and Budget vs Actual on a regular basis, taking into full consideration all of your production requirements. This allows you to make alterations to your system to ensure a profitable, risk free future for your farming family. The decisions you make today will impact the future direction of your business. “The team from BLP have been a very welcome addition to our business. BLP have become invaluable in supporting our growing business with assistance in cash flow preparation and management, bank negotiations, efficiency benchmarking and even setting up spreadsheets to enable us to cope with all the paperwork. More importantly they act as a 3rd party sounding board for whole farm management issues and how best to implement changes. They’ve given us a lot more confidence in our decision making moving forward as they have a real understanding of our unique farming operation”. Mark & Sue Kircher, Mount Stewart Asparagus, Red Cliffs, Victoria. |